Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I am having a lazy morning. I am watching boxes getting packed. Never a good sign when that is happening. It just means something and or someone is leaving the house. My Adam better not be going back to DC! I like him home. I like waking him up, getting my on demand belly rubs. I even like getting "poofed" by him. But don't tell him. Poofs are earned. He has to work for them.
Of course, this whole scenario takes me back to that old unanswered question... why are two leggeds not content to all stay with their pack? Why ? Don't they get it? I have been to DC many many times. I don't see the attraction. Yet both my human siblings chose to live there. Jobs! Whatever! I could easily keep them busy here. There are three of us and only two of them! We could keep them "occupato" for hours and hours without even trying. Ahhh the dirty paper bit.
Money. Another incomprehensible human addiction. They have to have dirty paper. And then to validate that addiction they have devised the most outrageous exchange system by assigning random values to objects in exchange for dirty paper. The best chewie in the world always costs wayyyy less than.. something totally stupid like... shoes... Do you see what I mean? Just totally random. In any case, if my Adam leaves... I am going to redefine the hissy fit. I did not do it when Dowi disappeared only because I still had Adam, but I have to draw a line somewhere.
Did you know my nonna is not here either????? Pretty soon momma may just be gone! I can't have that. So.... I am going to bark out my opinion, loud and clear before anyone gets any more dumb ideas....



bichonpawz said...

We agree with you totally on this 'vie. Go out there and just HOWL!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Don't worry, Moms never go anywhere for long