Monday, July 6, 2009

Educating...the younger crowd....

What to do when you get caught doing something you are NOT supposed to do.

1. Don't panic.
2. Just stare.
3. Yes stare into your 2 legged's eyes and stay still.
4. Do not move a muscle.
5. Keep staring like you lost your keys in their soul and you are trying to find them... by looking into their eyes.
{YEA! eyes are the windows to the soul, no?}
6. Soon enough, your 2 legged will chill- They will pick you up and comfort you... Yes you...
7. Congrats, you have now mastered the reverse guilt.
8. If you need to perfect your look, just study this pic...
9. Pssss don't dig out the red smelly flowers....

This worked out so well the pic ended up in the TBFR Calender!

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