Friday, April 24, 2009

The eastern shore

The eastern shore And YES JD and I love crab cakes and crab legs. Good crab from the Machapongo crab shack! Wendy... not so much. That girl is only partial to chicken!

And daddy... ehmmm we have to go back. I did not see the baby horses on this trip.
And, the ice cream shop was closed. Just saying. ok?

Gratefully 'vie


whitedogresq said...

Too bad I didn't know you were going to the Eastern Shore! I would have given you the address of your cousins Tammy and Opie who live in Machipongo! A mini Bash on the Eastern Shore! What fun!
Love to all,
Auntie Robin

silvieon4 said...

OHHHH I did not know I was going either, but I will let you know when we go again, 'cause momma promised me more crab, and the Phil owes mesome lap time. {No I did not forget uncle Phil}