Not fully... unwrapped yet...Had to "TRY" it out!!! How do I look?

JD... always looking for a good look out spot!

So, are we going out????
can we go out now???
RAIN??? :(((((

Fine, I am getting out. We need to add some "flare" to this buggy, something that jazzes it up... any ideas?
Oh yes. Momma, better cushion too... my tushy like softtttt
who likes comfort
Looking good in your buggy, Silvie and JD! To jazz it up, try tying something cool on the handle ... ribbons, bows? Enjoy the ride ...
It is a big buggy - built for more than one Bichon - I'll say.
There are 3 of us, so I suppose I will have to share. BUT, I am getting a fluffy pillow and a solar fan, so if I use it on the boardwalk it will be cool and comfy! How is Chloe doing?
Sylvie, I bet my mama could jazz up your new stroller for you! She's a wiz with the heat set rhinestone thingy she uses on skating costumes and she has a really fun bunch of flowery things I'm not supposed to touch. Personally, I'm kind of partial to the feather boas mama has been dying this week for the skating show she is working on -- I get to poke my nose into all kinds of cool stuff mama leaves out while she is working on costumes. Hmm, mama has a lot of leftover white velvet from a set of costumes she is doing. Would you like a cushion made of white velvet -- my mama can make just about anything.
Your paw-pal, Rock-dog Carr
Ohhh I have never felt white velvet! Ugh. Momma says it needs to be washable 'cause I am a messy girl.
To Sylvie's momma from Rocky-dog's mama -- definitely washable -- it's leftover fabric from skating costumes (I think it's a white lycra velvet). I'd be happy to put a "princess" cushion together for Sylvie when I'm finished with the skating show.
Oh Rocky. How wonderfully generous. My momma can bake anything. Maybe you should be thinking of something you would like!
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