Saturday, January 26, 2013

The wrath of Khan!

Dear Mr Khan,
I am sure you have your reasons for being this mad. BUT, listen.  Ruining my weekend and making my toes all cold is hardly going to fix whatever it is you are ticked off about. Could you please reconsider your temper tantrum and maybe engage in some goal directed behavior. [I am so good... I am the queen of pop psychology.... ]

Here is a thought.  The New Mexico legislators seem to be suffering some sort of brain fever that makes them think stupid thoughts.  Maybe if you could focus your wrath on New Mexico, you could cool them down enough that their brain would actually engage in thought process and maybe, just maybe logic could be infused in their thinking.  You would still be expressing your wrath and at the same time, doing the world some good.

Please, think about it.
I hate living like this....

When is all this going to melt?????

'vie who misses the beach.


NanaNor's said...

Hi Silvie, Girl I guess you don't like to roll around in the snow and eat it or bury your head in it like Hunter does. I hope it the snow stops for you but I don't want it anywhere near Colorado please. Have a warm weekend inside.
Noreen & Hunter

SimplyBelle said...

Awe, your little ones are so cute in the Snow! They'll come to love it!

SimplyBelle said...

Awe, your little ones are so cute in the Snow! They'll come to love it!