Sunday, December 30, 2012

DC bound

I am sleepy. But I am sleepy on the go.

I am Wishingtomb bound. Yes, Wishingtomb. It is where some argue that dreams go to die.

I get to see my Dowi and my Adam. Yeeeea. Momma is going on her annual pilgrimage. Amateur hour is ovaaah. She is in her track suit and Potomac Mills bound. The word of the day is..."shopping".

Daddy told her about some new restaurant at Potomac Mills. Snear. Snort. Like she is going to waste time on eating. Ha. Clearly he does not heed the "call of the shoe". It is powerful, like Pon Farr for Spock. Oh well, I am going back to sleep. Wake me when we get there.

I am on my way.


Unknown said...

May the power of the shoes be with you. And to do yet another paraphrase: Long Live and Shoe Shopping!

Have fun and post pics

Unknown said...

May the power of the shoes be with you. And to do yet another paraphrase: Long Live and Shoe Shopping!

Have fun and post pics

Kolchak Puggle said...

Mama hears the call of the call of the shoe! Who needs sustenance when designers feed your soul?? Have fun!