Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So where shall I go on vacation?

Doggy Airline now open for business

Hey momma, just letting you know I now have options. And I might go on "vacation" myself. Oh wait I might go to a "conference". Shall I call Adam and make baby sitting arrangements for you???

Better yet, I will just let you know when my plans are in place and I am on my way out the door...

Know what they say? What is good for the goose is great for the gander...

Soon to be globe trotting 'vie...

Alla mia famiglia in Italia, vengo tra poco!!!!
{Yuh I speak Italian, you don't think that listening for hours to mommma was lost on me!}


bichonpawz said...

Now this is the best idea I have heard yet! I vote for vacationing in Bermuda!! One of my personal favorites!!

Honeygo Beasley said...

I like Italy and Bermuda. Let's go together. Wouldn't that be a hoot - how many bichons can we fit on one plane? We could recruit from the Busy Bichons Board. Plan a trip!

silvieon4 said...

Not a bad idea! I might let momma come too, she speaks Italian and she knows the country and she has people and relatives there! Arriviamo Roma!!!