Monday, July 8, 2013

Splendor in the grass

So let's talk,,, This picnic thing. How does it work?  When do we get the goodies? A girl could starve waiting for you people. I will just guard the basket.

No thank you, no games for me. I am  too weak ... I am starved. And a pillow or two would have been nice.
I am having to sit on grass! Talk about uncivilized. I do hope you remembered some lemon slices for my water, and maybe a few cucumber slices, a sprig or two of mint?

So far, other than the basket, there is no splendor in this grass.


NanaNor's said...

Dear Silvie, I think you are so beautiful and deserve any treat you'd like. What a wonderful photo. I'm not sure how your mom keeps you so well groomed; Hunter gets mats in his fur all the time.
Have a great day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You look like you are all ready to go. They better hurry up with that food
Benny & Lily