This has been tested and triple blind studies have confirmed it.
And independent observers have observed it.
3 out of 3 dogs LOVE, PREFER, ENJOY AND WANT
home made turkey jerky!!!!! SEE?
the HOW:
Oct 16, 2012
Tasty Tuesday- reinventing the wheel part1. Yuh, momma is cute. BUT she is clever. She is seriously clever.... When daddy brought home 2 whole turkey breasts, momma thought about it for a sec. Freeze one? Nahhh.
Oct 16, 2012
Tasty Tuesday - Reinventing the wheel, part 2. So, she prepped all the turkey and then moved the rack to the oven at set it at 200 degrees on convection, because she is always in a hurry.... Two hours laters, we had this: ...
Jan 08, 2013
Tasty Tuesday - Reinventing the wheel, part 2. So, she prepped all the turkey and then moved the rack to the oven at set it at 200 degrees on convection, because she is always in a hurry.... Two hours laters, we had this: .
Jul 24, 2012
After forever , about 4 hours of hoooman time, the momma declared the turkey jerkey done. The slices of turkey are now gorgeous and dry and they smell incredible. What the ... ARE YOU Woofing kidding me???? Did momma ...
Nov 30, 2011
I spent all night dreaming of yummy turkey jerky. I thought the smell was all in my head and now I find out it was in my nose! After my morning walk I watched momma take a tray out of the oven, swoooooooooon turkey jerky ...
Nov 16, 2011
Because you can do just about anything on granite and not hurt it. I make sense. You don't! What is that???? Turkey jerky. Can I have that?? Yes? SCORE!!!!!! it is my breakfast? Delish! Can you put feets on it? Feet. No? Drat.
Dec 30, 2011
Of course I played the heck out of the game then!. The momma felt than now she could downgrade the treats. As if. She slipped in some turkey jerky. I ignored it... but dumb butts JD and Wendy went at it like crazy dogs. OY.
With all the recalls home made jerky is a great idea
Urban hounds
Great way to recap those recipe posts! Mama makes me chicken jerky all the time but she never thought to post the recipe until a reader emailed her cos she couldnt find it. I think you got turkey jerky covered!
My friend makes her own beef jerky for the dogs. She buys meat in bulk and when it is on sale. She does not preserve the meat in any way but says it will stay fresh for well over a month if refrigerated (until the day of use).
That really looks yummy, Silvie. So nice of your Mom to make them for you. We could never get Piappies Mom to do any cooking. Sigh...
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
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