Thursday, April 26, 2012

One, two, cha cha cha!!!!!

Dancing!!!!! Penny, Penny, Penny.... [ha I crack me up], little sweet Penny has a forever home and... her new family includes our friend and White Dog Cottage Alum, Winter!!!!!! Yes, love connections happen at the Bash.  I should know. I did the same thing . Uhmmm blah years ago, [I am not that old. I am not discussing my age.don't ask...] And Penny and Winter even look alike. Some sort of Bichon with straight hair they call Maltese. In any case, congrats to all on the match, I love adoptions!

somebody twirl me!!!!

Oh... to auntie Crissy.... "You done real good..."

1 comment:

Kolchak Puggle said...

YAY! We love love love adoptions! Who doesn't love a happy ending?!