Friday, September 2, 2011


Is there a better combination than momma's passions? Together! Combined even!

Yes, we are calling it a passion. Go with me on this. She gets a little ragy when you call it an out of control hoarding obsessive compulsive behavior. Ragy momma transfers her OCD on MY starvation that she calls DIET.... Soooo PASSION it is!

Get this, SHOES.COM is hosting a contest on Facebook starting September 1st, where fans (momma, that would be YOU) will upload a photo with their pet (that would be moi, of course, for a small chewie fee) and a pair of shoes or the box. Three winners will each win a $100 gift card to and a $100 donation to

Do you know who is part of Petfinder? Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue! MY ALMA MATER!!!!! So, for a supercalifragilisticalourageuslyfantastical cause, POSE! Get your picture taken next to your two legged and a pair of her shoes and submit it on Facebook.

If your two legged loves shoes, and if you love chewies and IF you support PET ADOPTION and what the vick, what NORMAL person does not.... YOU MUST ENTER this so PETFINDER gets some CASHHHHHHHH.

I am in.  ARE you?  SHOW ME THE SHOEEEEEESSSS, boy I never thought I would say that...

hey can I get some grooming here, I want to be camera ready....

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