A better description would be "Sad, sadder, saddest". We have been taking turns being at her side at all times, and I mean at all times. IT is a job!. One- she does not sit still, Two- she is all over the place, three- she talks to herself, a lot. And then there is that question that she asks forty times a day..."What am I doing here? What was I doing?" Seriously. Why ask us? She is the one doing! ANYWAY. The distractions from her mood have been unpleasant...funerals, losses, helplessness...and then the stooopid stuff like the dishwasher that threw up... lots of water. AGAIN! Momma was livid to say the least. They are supposedly working on that... Aha.
I have been "distracted" by a new thing I have observed. So, see if you can give me some sort of insight. Momma has been painting her nails... For as long as I can recall, momma wore a demure French manicure. Timeless, Elegant. Nice. All of a sudden... without notice... her nails were purple... then really dark purple, then black.... then dark dark gray... then mauve... now bloody red. What the hey???? Mind you I have smelled them all. They all smell the same. And yes, no taste, save for chemical yuck. So... what is going on? Why does momma suddenly go weird on us? Is this normal for two leggeds? Is it some sort of vague attempt at cheering up?
For sure the new colors have not helped her memory. She tried to put a belly band on Wendy! Yuh, That did not play well. We were actually considering calling the hooman siblings to discuss momma's weirdness and lack of smiles, when she got a -phone call.
And just like that. We saw "the smile" She smiled!!! Erik has a home! He is going to live with auntie Maryann, Frannie's mom. Frannie crossed over the rainbow Bridge a little while ago. She left a huge empty space in her momma's heart. Erik's human momma also crossed over. He has been sad and grieving. Obviously this was a match that was meant to be! And because humans have NO LOGIC... momma cried at that happy news.
All I can say ...calling Mr Spock, we need a mind meld, this woman is coming apart at her emotional seams.
Erik and Auntie Maryann, I love you both and I AM GRATEFUL YOU HAVE EACH OTHER!
Me? I am shaking my tush, I am getting ready to bust a move! It is happppppppppyYYYY DancinG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {yes, all over the keyboard!}
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